Media Explorer

Join the adventure through the lands of media

The Google Hill Station

I must admit my adventure was a bit all over the place this week. I was travelling through the Google Rolling Hills.  A beautiful green land that is easy enough to navigate, so long as you have a google account. Google provides many possibilities in its “drive” component much like these hills allow for much life beyond the crazed heat of overwhelming number of applications used for projects. 



With them being easy enough to navigate, it is easy to lose people and the hills force you to carry on. In groups in school it is common to have communication issues which feel like each member is at the bottom of the hill unable to see each other at the other end. Google helps each member climb half way by providing the tools and resources to do so. Once you reach half way, sometimes you find each person is at the top of a different hill, but now you can yell and find each other. Google docs allows for that with the instant typing and saving and ability to see who is online, but not what they are doing until it is already done. Although, my life beyond media exploring is taking its toll, a nice little adventure, even in google docs, seems like a sweet vacation. Unfortunately the vacation must end as the ideas come for projects to come.
Onward we go,
Media Explorer

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5 thoughts on “The Google Hill Station

  1. LOL. Thanks for the tortured analogy!

  2. swolenczuk on said:

    You put the communication issues so nicely, hahah. But you’re right, it is common for group mates to be on other hills. Hopefully we don’t experience that during the duration of our projects!

  3. Completely agreed – In certain instances, I was way ahead with my other groupmate and then we had to wait for the first two before continuing our journey. For a digitally enhanced space, it isn’t connected to all of the explorers, all the time – but I have a feeling that we will be less disconnected the second time we try it out. I just hope this feeling is correct!

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